Progress indicator

iAOP at Milano Airport

The project aims to evolve iAOP introducing three different additions to the current technical set of sensors and interfaces that are feeding AODB and ACDM platform (available to all stakeholders) plus the introduction of a TBT radio frequency dedicated to Airport Operations and ACDM.


The three additions are: installation of new VDGS/displays for the contact stands, the implementation of automatic real Block-on – Block-off using sensors and the development and introduction of a dedicated Flight Operations APP. The change of the existing VDGS/Displays with new and enhanced models and the installation of sensors on the non-contact stands is driven by 2 main needs: consolidate the Pre-departure Sequence and enhance predictability of TOBT and TTOT in order to provide it to the Network Manager Operation Center (NMOC) through the DPI messages. New VDGS/Displays at contact stands will allow also to display key A-CDM information, such as TSAT, to all stakeholders located at the Gate: Airlines crews, Ground handler and Airport operators. This will contribute to the enhancement of the information sharing level and, consequently, improve the accuracy level of the AODB/ACDM in view of feeding the iAOP. The development of a flight Operations APP is a key to facilitate cooperation among stakeholders while raising the quality of data and of information dissemination contributing significantly to the quality improvement of “”Departure Progress Information”” to NMOC in view of AOP-NOP integration. The TBT frequency will allow a direct contact between Airport Operations Center and Pilots thus facilitation information exchange and situation awareness.
The estimated budget is 7.025.000,00 €.
Milan Malpensa Airport
Estimated date of termination
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