Progress indicator

iAOP at Rome Airport

The project can be divided in 3 macro areas that are currently ongoing:

  1. Software: The specific aim is to collect information and performance stemming from the A-CDM operations, to which Fiumicino airport is fully compliant, in order to monitor and assess, through dedicated KPIs and alerts, the airport operations, allowing a smooth and efficient airport planning. More specifically, the dedicated IT tools will allow:
    • real-time monitoring of Fiumicino airport actual performances beyond its real Capability, using warnings and alarms to be displayed directly to the dashboard of the impacted user
    • based on the results of the real-time monitoring, more efficient airport short, medium- and long-term planning
    • simulation of specific events, their impacts on airport’s planning and recovery plans
    • monitoring and management of performance and availability of the applications of the iAOP
  2. APOC: The project will connect operational systems, including stakeholders, and will consolidate existing data and KPIs in order to seamlessly gather information which will be conveyed to the AirPort Operations Centre (APOC). The APOC will gather in a single area all individual already existing control rooms. The centralization of the individual control rooms will enhance the cooperation and the communication between them, especially in case of disruption. This phase requires the construction of the APOC, including the planning of spaces dedicated to personnel and hardware.
  3. Business Continuity: The APOC will be equipped with up-to-date technology, aimed at guaranteeing the business continuity, so as including software and hardware facilities dedicated to this purpose, in order to support the airport operativity even in case of technical failures or emergency.
Fiumicino (FCO) Airport
Estimated date of termination
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