Progress indicator - Information pending confirmation

iAOP at Groupe Aéroports de Paris

The project addresses two major goals: the first being Consolidation of iAOP database by Baggage flows’ information and the second being deployment of the APAMS & Simulation tools.

The purpose of the first goal, Consolidation of the iAOP database, is to consolidate the departure process by providing accurate and reliable information related to baggage process.

As for the second goal – APAMS & Simulation tools it is planned that these tools will support stakeholders to manage and optimize their operations.

As a result of the project, the involved airports are expected to cover 100% of the gap identified under family 2.1.4 – Initial Airport Operational Plan (iAOP).
airport operators as well as indirectly DSNA and Air France
CDG airport
ORY airports

Estimated date of termination
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