The European Court of Auditors (ECA) just published a report on the EU’s intervention in the deployment of SESAR. While the report acknowledges the EU-added value of common projects, the report also claims that EU funding in support of ATM (Air Traffic Management)modernisation was often not necessary.SESAR Deployment Manager’s work has been a pioneer initiative to put in place ATM research solutions and the rules governing the project have always included a review clause to adjust any shortcomings. Therefore, the SESAR Deployment Alliance (SDA), acting as the SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM), is naturally fully supportive of the Court’s objective of ensuring public money is well-spent and addressing the needs of the European economy and citizens.
“The Court’s report suggests EU funding was unnecessary. Yet the Court does not recommend a stop to funding. This is because progress in synchronizing ATM modernization in the context of SESAR deployment was made”,says Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager of SESAR Deployment Manager.
“Modernising Europe’s ATM is not only necessary to reduce delays but also of key importance to battle climate change and achieve greater sustainability. The result of pro-active coordination co-funded by EU is that nearly 90% of the Regulation is either completed, on-going or planned. It is this high level of preparation and anticipation by all stakeholders which is the actual benefit of the EU investment in SESAR deployment”, he continues.